Natural Dog Food

What does natural dog food mean?

As decided by European Guidelines natural dog food ingredients are defined as “pet food components to which nothing has been added and which have been subjected only to such physical processing as to make them suitable for pet food production and maintaining the natural composition” This excludes almost all artificial additives (preservatives, colourings and flavourings), ingredients that have undergone chemical treatment like bleaching or chemical oxidisation and all GMO products.

Our most popular natural Recipes:

nourish Pet Food
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4.88 rating (1189 reviews)
nourish Pet Food
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4.88 rating (1189 reviews)

About nourish's natural recipes

All of nourish’s dog and cat food are made with 100% natural ingredients, we do not have any added artifcal flavours, preservatives and colours. As well as being natural all nourishs recipes are grain free contain a minimum meat content of 50% accross the board with puppy food being 60%.


We do have added supplements in our recipes however they are all natural minerals and vitamins which have been carefully chosen by our canine nutritionist to ensure your dog has everything it needs to be a healthy happy dog. 

Grain Free

All of our foods do not contain any grain, cereals or gluten.

100% natural ingredients

Free from Artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.

50% Meat Content

With a minimum of 50% meat content in all foods.